What We Do

Trusts & Estates
One size does not fit all. Everyone has unique needs, and differing personal and professional circumstances, and these needs and circumstances are constantly changing. It is important to be proactive, rather than reactive, to plan for the future. Our firm acts as a trusted advisor in all phases of the estate planning process, from beginning to end, tailoring estate plans to fit each individual’s specific situation. Our firm’s ultimate goal is to provide each client with peace of mind knowing that they and their family will be protected and taken care of – even if the unthinkable happens.

Business Law
With the explosion of the internet, inter-connectivity, and the changing corporate landscape, the difficulties facing businesses are greater than before, and will only become more complicated as the years progress. Whether you are trying to start a business, or you already have one established, your primary concerns include overseeing the health of your business and ensuring your customers are satisfied. At our firm, we are trusted by our clients to enable them to keep working, and service clients, while we manage the details of their legal work.